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1. Henry John Zielinski
    Specialty: Surgery
    Views: 3010
2. Gary Zevi Lotner
    Specialty: Allergy & Immunology
    Views: 2702
3. Steve J Schwab
    Specialty: Nephrology
    Views: 2640
4. David Brian Flannery
    Specialty: Medical Genetics
    Views: 2578
5. Jerry Danl Thomas
    Specialty: Emergency Medicine
    Views: 2566
6. Paul Steven Rabinowitz
    Specialty: Allergy & Immunology
    Views: 2433
7. Mark Thomas Steen
    Specialty: Medical Genetics
    Views: 2385
8. Rayasam V K Prasad
    Specialty: Allergy & Immunology
    Views: 2374
9. Thomas Arthur Richey
    Specialty: Radiology
    Views: 2273
10. D Antonin Mesidor
    Specialty: Surgery
    Views: 2234

1. Christopher D Paddock
    Specialty: Pathology
    User Reviews of Physician: 10
2. Leslie Kelman
    Specialty: Pathology
    User Reviews of Physician: 7
3. Ola Jenelle Martin
    Specialty: Psychiatry
    User Reviews of Physician: 6
4. Annalise Cawley
    Specialty: Pediatrics
    User Reviews of Physician: 6
5. W Thomas Shoaf III
    Specialty: Pediatrics
    User Reviews of Physician: 6
6. Gary Zevi Lotner
    Specialty: Allergy & Immunology
    User Reviews of Physician: 6
7. Samuel A Torres
    Specialty: Urology
    User Reviews of Physician: 5
8. Ladd R Mc Namara
    Specialty: Obstetrics & Gynecology
    User Reviews of Physician: 5
9. Jeffrey David Lev
    Specialty: Internal Medicine
    User Reviews of Physician: 5
10. Paul Steven Rabinowitz
    Specialty: Allergy & Immunology
    User Reviews of Physician: 5